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June 07, 2024 2 min read 1 Comment

Not just any concert, either, we’re hittin’ the honkytonk to watch the Texas-based trio, Midland!

The double Grammy-nominated group – who you may have spotted sporting our Midnight Cowboy Jacket in a special edition blue version! – will be performing live at the iconic Billy Bob’s in Fort Worth on June 21st, and you’d better believe we’re gonna be there!

“Oh, it’s going to be a lot of fun!” Cheryl said. “I mean, Midland is amazing, I don’t need to sell anybody on that point, they’re HOT right now. And if you’ve never been to Billy Bob’s, you’ve got to go; it’s like the center square on your Texas Bingo card, it’s a must! We’re getting together a good group – hopefully a big ol’ group – and getting rigged up, and going to dinner at Joe T’s beforehand, just the full Fort Worth Friday night experience. It’s going to be a really good time. We’re gonna be the best dressed bunch Billy Bob’s has ever seen!”

Believe it or not, the deal gets even SWEETER! Your $200 ticket not only gets you into the concert AND dinner at Joe T. Garcia’s, Audrey’s also throwing in a $200 gift card so you can come shop at the Stockyards store beforehand. By #shoppingmath, that means the concert and dinner are basically free. (And yes, that means if you bring your honey with you, too, that’s $400 worth of DDR dollars!)

And the fun doesn’t stop there! Friday and Saturday, June 21st and 22nd, we’re also hosting our beloved friends and longtime partners, Peyote Bird Designs, for a trunk show in the Fort Worth flagship store. They’re bringing a stunning selection of vintage pieces as well as the sleek contemporary creations you’ve come to know and love. So, even if you can’t meet up with us for Midland, there’s still plenty of incentive to swing by the Stockyards and come see us!

1 Response

Sandra Whitlock
Sandra Whitlock

June 24, 2024

I LOVE MIDLAND! Since their first song came out! And that video of them selling moonshine to get enough money to cut a record! And CMT showing all their antics in the video! I wish I could travel, I’d be there in a heartbeat!!!! Tell those guys I said they are GREAT!!!!!!!

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